September 14, 2018


Hey there! For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Stephanie Hamilton and I am the Media & Marketing Specialist with My School Dance. Since it is the season of Homecoming, why not discuss some great tips for your HoCo proposal?

Lately, dance proposals have gotten more and more popular throughout the country. When I was in high school, most people received dance proposals for our Winter Formal or Prom, not so much with Homecoming. However, that’s changing! Homecoming proposals are starting to either match or take over the hype of a “Promposal.” Since this is the case, below I’ve listed a few tips/ideas to help you when planning your HoCo proposal:


  • Be uniqueTry to think of something that you and your “potential date” have in common and involve that in your proposal. It will make it much more meaningful.
  • InterestsInclude their interests in your proposal. For example, if they like a specific movie, band, sport, food, etc. 
  • Go all outIf you think it’s crazy, it’s probably good! You’d rather wow your “potential date” than make your proposal just average. 
  • VideosOnce you come up with the way you’re going to ask someone, make sure to have someone record the proposal so you can post it on social media. 
  • TimingWhen asking someone to a dance, you want to make sure to ask them early enough. However, you don’t want to ask them too early. I would say at least 6 weeks before the dance would be a good time. Don’t wait til last minute to ask someone cause that shows that you didn’t care enough and didn’t put in the effort. 
  • PinterestParoozing through Pinterest is a great way to spark some ideas for Homecoming proposals. If you check out My School Dance’s Pinterest page, we already have a board for Homecoming Proposals that you can get ideas from. 


Putting time into your Homecoming proposal is crucial if you’re wanting to get a yes from your date! My School Dance wants to ensure your Homecoming dance is the best one yet. Check us out on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for more ideas when it comes to Homecoming! If your school needs help planning and managing their Homecoming, reach out to My School Dance! If you haven’t signed your school up yet, create your My School Dance account for free!



Stephanie Hamilton



