January 11, 2019
Hey everyone! Welcome back to the second half of the school year! My name is Stephanie Hamilton and I am the Media & Marketing Specialist with My School Dance. Now that we’re in the second half of the year, students are starting to become more drained and they don’t have as much motivation. What better way to kick off the new year by hosting a Sweetheart Dance in February for the students? This will get them interacting with one another and they’ll have a fun event to look forward to.
A lot of schools tend to not have a Sweetheart Dance due to the limited budget they are provided for school dances. I’m here to tell you that even if you are on a low budget, you’re able to host a Sweetheart Dance. Everyone always assumes dances are going to cost a lot of money, which can be true. However, I strongly believe that if you try, you can plan a dance without exceeding your budget. I’ve listed some ways that your school can plan a Sweetheart Dance while on a low budget below:
Now that we’ve figured out how to plan a Sweetheart Dance on a low budget, what are you waiting for? February is only one month away! Get to planning and start managing this dance with My School Dance! There’s no cost for schools to use our platform. Sign your school up today!
Stephanie Hamilton