November 30th, 2018


Hello there! For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Stephanie Hamilton and I am the Media & Marketing Specialist with My School Dance. I know that a lot of teachers are the ones in charge of planning and organizing any type of school trip. This can be a lot of work depending on what the trip is and how many students will be attending. The nice thing about My School Dance is you can use us for any events and trips as well. I wanted to make sure to give some helpful tips to my teacher friends out there so they don’t have to deal with any planning struggles!


  • Plan in AdvanceThis is my #1 rule when it comes to planning anything. It may sound crazy, but if I was a teacher I would lay out all of the trips the class is going to go on and then begin planning each one at least 3-5 months in advance. You do this because you don’t know if that trip will get booked up and there’s plenty of other details you’ll need to get figured out that is covered in the My School Dance checklist!
  • Prepare the Parents– You want to make sure you give the students enough time to get their permission slips signed and approved by their parents. Parents can be very cautious and strict when sending their students somewhere other than school. Host a meeting with the parents to include them in on all of the details and answer any of their concerns. You can use My School Dance to send any permission slips through email and receive them back via email as well. This is great so the students don’t accidentally misplace the permission slips.
  • Plan Group Activities– One of the main reasons to go on a school trip is to get the students out of the classroom and work together in a new environment. Try to choose a field trip that is specifically made for group activities and separate students randomly into groups. This allows students who might not always communicate to interact in a fun setting.
  • Research– If you’re considering a trip you or another teacher you know hasn’t been on before, make sure to do your research. A lot of schools are cutting down field trips, so you want to make sure the ones you choose will be worth it for the students.
  • Free Time– Make sure when creating your field trip schedule, you leave some free time for the students to interact with one another and have some fun. It’s exciting for them to get out of the classroom, plus interacting with one another is important for students to do.


Like I mentioned above, My School Dance does not just cover dances. We’ve had schools use us for class Disney trips and for school plays. My School Dance is a great way to stay organized and plan properly without all of the added stress. You can sign your school up today and start planning your events and trips with My School Dance!


Be sure to stay tuned for my next few blogs. I will include some fun, festive activities in December for your school!



Stephanie Hamilton

